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Importance of embracing humanity in our work as Lawyers

Looking for a work-friendly read? I suggest Gabor Maté's new book "The Myth of Normal", which has a section on modernizing our legal systems. (Or try his prior book "When the Body Says No".)

We were honored that Gabor Maté (who is a bestselling author) endorsed our book on trauma and resilience in law, published by the American Bar Association, Practice Management Division.

Gabor's work discusses how our health, work and quality of life can be improved by embracing humanity in how we relate, including in our systems...whether justice, health or education. (Instead of accepting lack of humanity as the norm, whether at the individual or group level.) A quote from "The Myth of Normal" is below:

"A society that fails to value commonality — our need to belong, to care for one another, and to feel caring energy flowing toward us — is a society facing away from the essence of what it means to be human. Pathology cannot but ensue. To say so is not a moral assertion but an objective assessment." - Gabor Maté in The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness and Healing in a Toxic Culture