Helgi Maki —
Speaking, Presentations & Training
— Resilience skills for Lawyers & Legal Professionals;
— Trauma-Informed Lawyering (including grief, if you wish to cover it too);
— “Biopsychosocial” wellness at work for Lawyers & Legal Professionals;
— Career transition navigation for Lawyers (and other Professional services);
— Mindfulness and Mindful Movement. (In addition to being an Executive Coach and Consultant, Helgi teaches Mindfulness and Mindful Movement.)
Additional specialized training is available on the topic of Intergenerational Trauma.
TRAINING: For Courts and Judicial Officers, Winter 2024
CONFERENCE: ABA Center on Children and the Law, National Conference on Access to Justice. Helgi will present with the Children's Law Center of California on Legal Advocacy for Grieving Youth: How to Better Recognize and Meet the Needs of Youth in Care Who Have Suffered the Loss of a Loved One. April 3, 2024
CONFERENCE: This event will feature Dr. Gabor Mate, Myrna McCallum (the Trauma-Informed Lawyer), and Professor Benjamin Perrin. April 3-5, 2024. https://www.myrnamccallum.co/justiceastrauma2024
KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Collaborative Family Law Practice Group, October 31, 2023, details TBA.
PODCAST: ABA Journal Episode 205 - How Reckoning with Trauma Can Help You, Your Clients and the Legal Profession, October 25, 2023. https://www.abajournal.com/books/article/podcast-episode-205
PODCAST: Legal Talk Network - How Reckoning with Trauma Can Help You, Your Clients and the Legal Profession, October 23, 2023. https://legaltalknetwork.com/guests/helgi-maki/
BOOK DISCUSSION: BC Courthouse Library, How to Use the Tools of Trauma-Informed Lawyering in Your Life and Work, hosted by Del Friday, September 12, 2023.
GROUP COACHING PROGRAM SESSION: “Map your career” career coaching program, for the Ontario Bar Association Career Accelerator Program (convened by the 2023 OBA Innovator in Residence Mante Malepo, July 4, 2023, at: https://www.oba.org/careeraccelerator?viewmode=0
PANELIST: Discussion Series contributor on the topic of Resilience Skills and Trauma-Informed Lawyering for Family Lawyers, AFCC-O, Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, June 21, 2023, at: https://afccontario.ca/
FACULTY MEMBER: Integrative Law Summer Institute, Quinnipiac School of Law, held by the Project for Integrative Law in Legal Education, Center on Dispute Resolution convened by J. Kim Wright, June 13, 2023, at: https://www.qulawdisputeresolution.org/integrative-law-summer-institute
TRAINING PRESENTATION: Law firm CPD presentation, May 2023.
LAW SCHOOL GUEST LECTURE: Resilience and Trauma-Informed Legal Practices for Family Mediation, Osgoode Law School, York University, Mediation program hosted by Archana Medhekar, May 13, 2023.
PANEL SPEAKER: Ontario Bar Association Public Sector Lawyers Program, March 29, 2023 at: https://www.cbapd.org/details_en.aspx?id=ON_ON23PUB01I
CPD PRESENTATION: Resilience Skills for Legal Practice, presented for the Advancing Wellness in Law Network, Digital Conversations Series, hosted by Emma Jones March 27, 2023 at: https://advancingwellnessinlaw.org/
PANELIST: 11th Law Society of Ontario Human Rights Summit, Mental Health in the Professions, Accommodating “Post Pandemic” Stress Disorder and Building Resilience with Kara Hardin, Helgi Maki and Dr. Larry Richard, December 6, 2022, at: https://store.lso.ca/11th-human-rights-summit.
WEBINAR PRESENTATION: Resilience Skills for Lawyers, Canadian Bar Association, The Well-Being Hour, September 6, 2022, at https://www.cba.org/Sections/Wellness-Subcommittee/The-Well-Being-Hour.
PANEL DISCUSSION: Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers (Ontario), 15th Annual FACL Ontario Conference & Gala, Panel on Trauma-Informed Lawyering with Carissa Wong, Helgi Maki, Rupa Karyampudi and Talia Joundi, May 27, 2022, at https://on.facl.ca/facl-conference-2022-resolve/.
WEBINAR PANEL DISCUSSION: ABA Program American Bar Association Wellness Week, It's Time to Talk: Navigating and Surviving Trauma and Grief in the Legal Profession May 6, 2022, at https://www.americanbar.org/events-cle/mtg/web/421675739/.
WEBINAR PRESENTATION: Adversity and Resilience for Lawyers: An Introduction to Trauma-Informed Legal Practices, Canadian Bar Association, Alberta branch, February 18, 2022, at
WEBINAR PRESENTATION: Introduction to Trauma-Informed Lawyering for Class Actions for the Ontario Bar Association Class Actions Colloquium, December 1, 2021, at https://www.oba.org/classactions.
VIRTUAL KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Trauma-informed lawyering as part of Client-Centered Legal Services for Clio Cloud Conference, October 27, 2021, at https://cliocloudconference.com/.
VIRTUAL KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Introduction to Trauma-Informed Lawyering for Family Law Matters, Iowa State Bar Association, Family Law Seminar, October 21, 2021, at
TRAINING ROUND TABLE: Bearing Witness to Our Clients' Trauma: Doing Our Jobs and Taking Care of Ourselves, Osgoode Professional Development, October 20, 2021, at https://osgoodepd.ca/.
WORKSHOP Mindfulness workshop for Sphere.com and its collaboration with Wearequilt.com, August 20, 2021, with https://sphere.guide/.
PANEL PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION: Family Violence: An Essential Series for Every Family Lawyer, Understanding Family Violence and its Impact on Your Role as Lawyer, Family Violence: An Essential Series for Every Family Lawyer, July 21, 2021, at https://www.cbapd.org/details_en.aspx?id=ON_ON21FAM09X.
PANEL PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION: Vicarious Trauma – Risk Factors and a Path Forward, at the Mental Health for Legal Professionals Summit, May 19, 2021, with the Honourable Lori Anne Thomas, Zehra Haffajee, Francoise Mathieu, Beth Beattie, Counsel, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, and Teresa Donnelly, Treasurer, Law Society of Ontario, at https://store.lso.ca/mental-health-for-legal-professionals-summit
TRAINING WORKSHOP: Trauma-informed practices for navigating challenges in workplaces, schools & other groups, April 16, 2021, for the BC Teachers' Federation, Spring Zone Meeting (live training workshop).
WORKSHOP: Trauma-Informed Approaches to Dispute Resolution - Complex Trauma & Complicated Grief in Legal Practice with J. Kim Wright, American Bar Association Dispute Resolution Section (Spring Conference), April 16, 2021.
PRESENTATION: Trauma-Informed Lawyering with J. Kim Wright to the Law & Psychology Lab led by law Professor David Yamada, March 2021.
KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Trauma-Informed Approaches to Mediation, family mediation training led by attorney & mediator Kimberly Stamatelos, February 2021.
PRESENTATION: 6th Annual CLA & LAMDA Virtual Mental Health Conference, presentation on Trauma-Informed Lawyering in Mental Health Litigation, Feb 20, 2021.
PODCAST: Creating a Sustainable Legal Practice, The Trauma-Informed Lawyer Podcast with Myrna McCallum, June 18, 2020, Season 1, Episode 4, at https://thetraumainformedlawyer.simplecast.com/episodes
PANEL PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION: Challenges of Criminal Practice: Managing Your Mental Health and Wellness,, 5th Annual Criminal Lawyers Association Recent Call Conference, November 2019, at https://criminallawyers.ca/events/5th-annual-recent-call-conference/.
SPEAKING: Resilience for Lawyers panel, Northwind Professional Institute, Spring 2019.
SPEAKING: Resilience in Professional Services presentation, Institute of Coaching Roundtable, April 2019.
SPEAKING: Resilience and Trauma-Informed Legal Practice, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Conference, convened by California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, October 2018.
WEBINAR: American Bar Association: Relational Practice Virtual Summit (Dispute Resolution Task Force), September 2018.
PANEL DISCUSSION: University of Toronto Law School, David Asper Centre for Constitutional Rights - Public Interest Litigation Conference, March 2, 2018, at http://aspercentre.ca/selected-themes-from-the-asper-centres-public-interest-litigation-conference/.
KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Mindfulness meditation techniques for daily practice & to counteract stress, Annual Conference: Balancing Stress: A Holistic Roadmap, Canadian Holistic Nutrition Conference , May 2015.
Family Trauma & Resilience Patterns
Helgi assists Mark Wolynn at Training Programs.
PRIOR TRAININGS: September 2020 to February 2021, Helgi assisted Mark Wolynn (and Kari Dunlop) with Inherited Family Trauma training online and post-training supervision sessions.
In San Francisco from November 8-10, 2019, Mark Wolynn offered a professional development course on effective ways to break inherited patterns of suffering. (Helgi was a Faculty Assistant at this training.)
Click here for more information
At Omega Institute NY from August 9-11, 2019, Mark Wolynn, author of the award-winning book It Didn’t Start With You, will offer a workshop with effective ways to break inherited patterns so we can live healthier, happier, more fulfilled lives. (Helgi was a Faculty Assistant, and assisted in 2018 and 2017 as well at other locations including Miami & Pittsburgh.)
Online Classes
Stay tuned for online offerings. Sign up for my newsletter to hear about new online events or courses!
Let’s talk about Resilience…
Pictured here Ryerson University with Randell Adjei, Fiona Scott, Dr. Annette Bailey & Rhonnelle Bruder.